$997 For 1000 - Results Delivery Sept. 2018
The ONLY BRCA Gene test that is 99% effective – All others are less than 21% effective. 
Thinking of getting a Breast Cancer Gene Test? Then look no further if you want certain results
79.7% of all people who get the traditional BRCA test from other companies still don’t know one way or the other.
With our test – 99% certainty you will know, one way or the other if you need to take action or not.
With the help the National Institutes of Health, Nevada State Governor, and UNLV – we had ascientific breakthrough in genetic testing. So much of a breakthrough, the technology is now patented. 

Every other company on the market – does “correlative results” – they test your genes, thencompare it to known mutations from other people who got breast cancer. 

According to the NIH – there are 36,000 possible mutations in the BRCA genes

And only 5,231 are currently known to be pathogenic or not. And that might be with ONE case  study only. So it isn’t known. 

2,066 are known to be benign, and again, it could be from only one case study. 

This leaves 28,703 - or 79.73% of the genes that if you have a problem with them, they won’t know if you are at risk from breast cancer or not. 

We actually test your genes, to see if they are repairing or not. So we know for all of them, whether you are at risk for breast cancer or not.
  • If you are at an increased risk for developing breast cancer than theaverage population, you should get tested. 
  • If you have a family history, you should get tested 
  • If you are an older woman, overweight, or using HRT 
  • Certain Race/ethnicities, drinking alcohol, lack of exercise, or smoking
What makes your results unique with us?  
No other test gives you a specific rating regarding your risk of breast cancer, with an outline of exactly what your responses mean in terms of the condition with a 99% certainty (the next closest competitor is only 21% certainty.  
Why Get Tested?
You’re concerned you may be carrying the mutated BRCA genes and understand this mutation can greatly increase your risk for developing breast cancer. By detecting the cancer early, you will significantly improve your odds of survival. And enacting prevention – can possibly help you from even getting breast cancer.
How it works?
  • Step 1: Take the test. 
  • Step 2: Get your results.  
  • Step 3: Discover exactly what you need to do to minimize your risk of breast cancer – based on your specific condition. 
Who is BRCA Vevazz?
BRCA Vevazz is on a mission to change the BRCA Mutation testing industry. Currently, 79% of people who take a BRCA test still have no idea if they have the mutation or not. 

And even those 21% only get correlative certainty, via a statement that sounds conclusive when in it is not.
There is a better way. By getting the right test for you, there’s a 99% chance you’ll know for certain whether you have the condition, one way or another.

What Should You Do Next?
Take the majority of tests on the market, and you’ll still be confused.

In fact, 79% of people who take the tests still have no idea. 

And of the remaining 21% who do get a diagnosis, you still only have correlative certainty where a conclusion is asserted without evidence or premises, via a statement that makes the conclusion appear certain when, in reality, it isn’t. 

That could be deadly, but how is it possible? 

Instead of testing whether the mutation is affecting your cells ability to replicate normally, they test if a gene is mutated – but they have no idea if the gene mutation is affecting the cells ability to replicate in a healthy way. 

So they compare it against the database. 

There is a better way, Our test. 


Instead of simply testing if the gene is mutated, this test actually checks if the mutation is affecting the cells ability to replicate normally. 

If the cell is mutated, but can still replicate normally… you don’t need to do anything. 

No complex surgery. 

No dangerous drugs. 

No uncertainty. 

On the other hand, if the cell is mutated and cannot replicate normally, we now know withcertainty, and this tells us you are at high risk – and we will help show you natural things, that can decrease this risk.
Because this test is like nothing else on the market – we are actually back ordered about 9months. 

We are expanding our lab, testing facilities, and capacity to do these tests. As right now, the demand is only going up, because this is such a scientific breakthrough that you cannot get anywhere else. 

Right now, for the next 1000 tests, the price is $997. Once this batch of tests is sold, the price is going up. So order now. 

The normal tests take 2-4 months to get you the results – but 79% chance you still won’t know – so it isn’t much longer to wait for the better results where you will know with 99% certainty.
Still not sure?

I sat down to think of all the reasons I could, of why someone might not order this test.
  • You don’t want to know?
Hiding from the truth will not help you, in fact, see above, waiting to find out puts you at muchgreater risk. Finding out early –or before the tumor has even developed – gives you time to work on prevention – your best chance for success.
  • You don’t have the $997 to put down
We can actually put you on a payment plan - $125 a month for 9 months – Click Here for thePayment options
  • You don’t want to wait
The 9 month back order isn’t that long to wait for results that are 99% certain. And it isn’t muchlonger than the 4 months that many other tests take.
  • Still not sure how our test is so much better?
We actually test the genes – not just compare them against a correlative database. This tells us ifyour genes are able to repair themselves or not. So now we know what your genes are doing, not just what others with similar mutation did.
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