$997 For 1000 - Results Delivery Sept. 2018
A BRCA1 Mutation Can 8x Your Breast Cancer Risk
This brief survey will help you identify whether you should get tested for hereditary breast cancer syndrome. It takes less than 2 minutes to complete, and reveals
  • If you are at an increased risk for developing breast cancer, than the average population.  
  •  The difference between the various tests on the market, and which one is the best fit for your specific condition.  
  • What coverage you can expect from your insurance company. 
What Makes Your Results Unique? 
Here is what makes us so different than everyone else: 
To us, what sets us apart from every other company out there doing it Seems like that is downplayed When in our mind, that is the one thing going to make people buy us, over everyone else 

If you do any other companies test out there, you have a 25% chance you will know for certain, one way or the other 75% of the people take the test, and still have no idea 

With our test 99% of the people will know for certain, one way or the other. 
And, of those 25% - still isn’t certain, it is only correlative certainty.
You get compared against a database of people who had the same mutation, and then you can see what percentage of those actually got cancer

With theirs, they are actually testing if a gene is mutated, but they have no idea if that gene mutation is affecting the cells ability to replicate in a healthy way. So they compare against the data base

Our testing actually tests if the mutation is affecting the cells ability to replicate normally.
If the cell is mutated, but can still replicate normally – no biggy – and our test – is the ONLY one testing for that.

If the cell is muteated, and cannto replicate normally – we now know, and that tells us you are at high risk and are very likely to get breast cancer.

That is what sets us apart from every one else.
Why Take This Quick Quiz? 
You’re concerned you may be carrying the BRCA1 gene and understand
this mutation can greatly increase your risk for developing breast cancer.

By detecting the cancer early, you will significantly improve your odds of survival.
How It Works?
  • Step 1: Take the test. 
  • Step 2: Get your results.  
  • Step 3: Discover exactly what you need to do to minimize your risk of breast cancer – based on your specific condition.  
BRCA Vevazz is on a mission to change the BRCA Mutation testing industry. Currently, 79% of people who take a BRCA test still have no idea if they have the mutation or not. 

And even those 21% only get correlative certainty, via a statement that sounds conclusive when in it is not.

There is a better way. By getting the right test for you, there’s a 99% chance you’ll know for certain whether you have the condition, one way or another.
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